simbolo circa tilde

Buona serata, per il circa che si chiama tilde il codice ascii è il 126 quindi ALT+126 del tastierino numerico.. ~~~~~ gh 23-09-2004, 12:34 #11: Special. {\displaystyle x} Anonymous. In some languages, the tilde is used as a diacritical mark ( ˜ ) placed over a letter to indicate a change in pronunciation. simbolo, circa, uguale, oro, matematica. In Breton, the symbol ⟨ñ⟩ after a vowel means that the letter ⟨n⟩ serves only to give the vowel a nasalised pronunciation, without being itself pronounced, as it normally is. è il simbolo del circa. The incorporation of the tilde into ASCII is a direct result of its appearance as a distinct character on mechanical typewriters in the late nineteenth century. When an ⟨n⟩ or ⟨m⟩ followed a vowel, it was often omitted, and a tilde (physically, a small ⟨N⟩) was placed over the preceding vowel to indicate the missing letter; this is the origin of the use of tilde to indicate nasalization (compare the development of the umlaut as an abbreviation of ⟨e⟩.) Vediamo, di seguito, come scrivere la tilde utilizzando le tastiere italiane dei principali sistemi operativi (Windows, Linux e Mac): Scrivere la tilde in Windows The tilded ⟨n⟩ (⟨ñ⟩, ⟨Ñ⟩) developed from the digraph ⟨nn⟩ in Spanish. For example, "Program Files" might become "PROGRA~1". These are encoded in Unicode with many precomposed characters as well as individually at .mw-parser-output .monospaced{font-family:monospace,monospace}U+0303 ◌̃ .mw-parser-output span.smallcaps{font-variant:small-caps}.mw-parser-output span.smallcaps-smaller{font-size:85%}COMBINING TILDE and U+007E ~ TILDE (as a spacing character), and there are additional similar characters for different roles. A tilde in front of a single quantity can mean "approximately", "about" or "of the same order of magnitude as.". For example, would cause the lower() method to act on the object Employee's name attribute, returning the result of the operation. , lo puoi digitare tenendo premuto il tasto Alt (quello a sinistra) e digitando il codice decimale corrispondente 126: se il tastierino numerico non fosse attivo, premere prima il tasto Bloc Num per attivarlo ( If a and b are references, the object equality expression a ~ b is to be contrasted with a = b which denotes reference equality. A tilde placed below a letter in mathematics can represent a vector quantity (e.g. Non tutti i caratteri e i simboli grafici sono presenti sulla tastiera; lo sanno bene tutti coloro che hanno provato a cercare la tilde (~), un simbolo che per molti anni è stato usato piuttosto di frequente negli indirizzi delle pagine Web. x In more recent digital usage, tildes on either side of a word or phrase have sometimes come to convey a particular tone that "let[s] the enclosed words perform both sincerity and irony", which can pre-emptively defuse a negative reaction. The symbols ≈ (almost equal to) and ≅ (approximately equal to) are among the other symbols used to express approximation. 1 decade ago. devi cliccare contemporaneamente alt+126 ciao :D ~ 4 1. For a wider tilde \widetilde can be used. 3 .[7]. ... 1 decade ago. HTML Arrows offers all the html symbol codes you need to simplify your site design. Huic manerio est adjuncta Blachepole. In Word Inserisci>Simbolo e poi lo cerchi nella tabella. 1 decade ago. Il simbolo circa uguale è un simbolo matematico molto simile al simbolo di uguale, in cui la prima barra orizzontale viene sostituita con una tilde. Anonymous. Premilo e, tenendolo premuto, premi il simbolo del “tilde“. Se tutto è andato a buon fine ti ritroverai il simbolo del tilde sul documento di testo o e-mail che stai scrivendo or cc. Tale grafema (~ o ˜) in castigliano rappresenta il suono nasale palatale della lettera ñ (si chiama in questo caso tilde de la ñ, virgulilla o virgulilla de la ñ) [1]. Terra est duae carucae. In English, the tilde is often used to express ranges and model numbers in electronics, but rarely in formal grammar or in type-set documents, as a wavy dash preceding a number sometimes represents an approximation (see below). Favorite Answer. x Terra est quadraginta carucae. {\displaystyle X\to x+{\tilde {x}}} The MySQL database also use tilde as bitwise invert.[44]. come si fa ad inserire il simbolo "circa"...? x The tilde was also used occasionally to make other abbreviations, such as over the letter ⟨q⟩, making q̃, to signify the word que ("that"). It was introduced because plus operator can have different meaning in many situations. Per questo significato sono piu' usati il simbolo di uguaglianza con sopra la tilde e il simbolo di uguaglianza con la tilde al posto del primo trattino. Name: Slash and Backslash. 0 3. It’s got multiple uses. {\displaystyle {\tilde {n}}} ~ If you are using a US keyboard, it is just to the left of the z and hold shift when pressing it In Max/MSP, a tilde is used to denote objects that process at the computer's sampling rate, i.e. In ASP.NET application tilde ('~') is used as a shortcut to the root of the application's virtual directory. A similar situation exists regarding the Korean KS X 1001 character set, in which Microsoft maps the EUC-KR or UHC code for the wave dash (0xA1AD) to U+223C (Tilde Operator),[27][28] while IBM and Apple map it to U+301C. Favorite Answer. 1 decade ago. For the variables in the original equation (for instance [12] For example, BuzzFeed journalist Joseph Bernstein interprets the tildes in the following tweet: as a way of making it clear that both the author and reader are aware that the enclosed phrase – "spirit of the season" – "is cliche and we know this quality is beneath our author, and we don't want you to think our author is a cliche person generally".[12][b]. Su Mac, tieni premuto il tasto Opzionementre digiti la lettera N e rilascia entrambi i tasti. {\displaystyle {\tilde {\mathbf {y} }}} Chinese uses the wavy dash and full-width em dash interchangeably for this purpose. Si usa per indicare quando si approssima un numero. Tilde (~): come digitarla su Linux, Mac e Windows ... Uguale - Wikipedia. Later, it was used to make abbreviations in medieval Latin documents. causes a logical NOT, instead). In Standard ML, the tilde is used as the prefix for negative numbers and as the unary negation operator. It can be used to denote the asymptotic equality of two functions. ₴ ​ In-line. can be made, where ) a substitution The connection stems from the use of the tilde above the letter ⟨n⟩ to form the (different) letter ⟨ñ⟩ in Spanish, a feature shared by only a few other languages, many of which are historically connected to Spanish. → " is pronounced as "eff tilde" or, informally, as "eff twiddle" or, in American English, "eff wiggle". Nel Medioevo, per risparmiare spazio o per evitare ulteriore fatica agli amanuensi, era normale – nelle iscrizioni, nei manoscritti e negli incunaboli – far uso di abbreviazioni. [36], The tilde can indicate approximate equality in a variety of ways. Uses: File or folder path separation. The same technology was adopted to create a dead key mechanism for a Portuguese keyboard so the ~ was born as a typographical character to be overstruck with a and o. Per la versione maiuscola del carattere, premere il tasto Maiusc prima di digitare la lettera da accentare. The record interpreter : a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records (2nd ed.). Alt Gr+⇧ Shift+' followed by the relevant letter. For positive numbers, this is equivalent to the mathematical floor function. 2 Because JavaScript internally uses floats and the bitwise complement only works on integers, numbers are stripped of their decimal part before applying the operation. Used in electronics to indicate alternating current, in place of +, −, or ⎓ for direct current. For example, when a document "Document1.doc" is opened in Word, a file called "~$cument1.doc" is created in the same directory. ៛ ​₽ ​₹ ₨ ​ {\displaystyle {\tilde {f}}} In Microsoft's SQL Server Transact-SQL (T-SQL) language, the tilde is a unary Bitwise NOT operator. A tilde can also be used to represent geometric similarity (e.g. ... 1 decade ago. A tilde is also used to indicate "approximately equal to" (e.g. For example, ⟨an⟩ gives the pronunciation [ãn] whereas ⟨añ⟩ gives [ã]. [37][38] This can be used to denote the Fourier transform of f, or a lift of f, and can have a variety of other meanings depending on the context. The tilde (/ˈtɪldə/[1] or /ˈtɪldi/), ˜ or ~, is a grapheme with several uses. Particularly during the 1990s, Spanish-speaking intellectuals and news outlets demonstrated support for the language and the culture by defending this letter against globalisation and computerisation trends that threatened to remove it from keyboards and other standardised products and codes. ), ma poteva anche esser collocata sopra alcune consonanti o in abbreviazioni più complesse (es. For example, what to do with "120" + "14" ? x Ibi duodecim acrae prati et quindecim acrae silvae. On Mac: Ctrl+⌥ Option+Ñ, or ⌥ Option+Ñ followed by Space. A triple tilde (≋) is often used to show congruence, an equivalence relation in geometry. : suã = suam, trẽor = tremor, ĩcursus = incursus, õnes = omnes, exũdo = exundo etc. The name of the character came into English from Spanish and from Portuguese, which in turn came from the Latin titulus, meaning title or "superscription". In Object REXX, the twiddle is used as a "message send" symbol. Peraltro, la sua posizione nella parola è soggetta alle leggi di limitazione. [39][40], On Unix-like operating systems (including AIX, BSD, Linux and macOS), tilde normally indicates the current user's home directory. Qui su YM abbiamo aggirato problemi del genere sin da subito, abilitando la scrittura LaTeX.Non tutti però la usano, dunque vogliamo dare un riferimento comodo per fare copia incolla dei simboli speciali e delle lettere accentate direttamente dal Web (aggiungimi ai segnalibri!) For example, [ljɔ̃] is the IPA transcription of the pronunciation of the French place-name Lyon. In this language, ⟨ñ⟩ is considered a separate letter called eñe (IPA: [ˈeɲe]), rather than a letter-diacritic combination; it is placed in Spanish dictionaries between the letters ⟨n⟩ and ⟨o⟩. L'unico simbolo matematico che prevede l'utilizzo di una tilde ma che non ha il significato di circa è il simbolo di congruente (≅). In C++ and C#, the tilde is also used as the first character in a class's method name (where the rest of the name must be the same name as the class) to indicate a destructor – a special method which is called at the end of the object's life. Impieghi del simbolo del circa. In statistics and probability theory, the tilde means "is distributed as";[7] see random variable. In dominio sunt tres carucae et decem servi et triginta villani et viginta bordarii cum sedecim carucis. Principalmente nei primi anni del web, quando uno stesso dominio ospitava più siti web personali, la directory contenente le pagine di una data persona era solita venire chiamata con una tilde ed il proprio nick (es. Thus ~, which did not exist previously as a type or hot-lead printing character, came to exist as a distinct grapheme. This apparently is a legacy of typewriters, where pairs of similar spacing and combining characters relied on one glyph. would indicate the median of the variable [45] Given a String the method will produce a java.util.regex.Pattern. Per esempio: Il simbolo numero 1 (∼) è chiamato: trattino ondulato oppure tilde. {\displaystyle \lim _{x\to \infty }{\frac {f(x)}{g(x)}}=1} Sorsero quindi diversi segni codificati, tra cui la stessa tilde, la quale nasce come stilizzazione delle lettere m e n; era sovrapposta alle vocali (es. (e.g. For example, might be the personal web site of John Doe. :P. Suggerimento: premi contemporaneamente "CTRL" e "F" per trovare subito quello che ti serve! It is generally difficult, if not impossible, for users of Japanese Windows to type U+301C, especially in legacy, non-Unicode applications. In physics and astronomy, a tilde can be used between two expressions (e.g. : /~bill). Elwardus tenebat tempore regis Edwardi pro manerio et geldabat pro dimidia hida. ₠ ​€ ​ The sign is used as a replacement for the chouon, katakana character, in Japanese, extending the final syllable. devi cliccare contemporaneamente alt+126 ciao :D ~ 4 1. ¤ ​ Nel linguaggio di programmazione C++ è utilizzato per distinguere il distruttore della classe, dichiarando una funzione membro senza tipo di ritorno e una tilde anteposta al nome della funzione, uguale a quello della classe. D disallows + operator for arrays (and strings), and provides separate operator for concatenation (similarly PHP programming language solved this problem by using dot operator for concatenation, and + for number addition, which will also work on strings containing numbers). The tilde may indicate alternating allomorphs or morphological alternation, as in //ˈniː~ɛl+t// for kneel~knelt (the plus sign '+' indicates a morpheme boundary). In statistics and probability theory, a tilde placed on top of a variable is sometimes used to represent the median of that variable; thus This usage has been adopted in the orthographies of several native languages of South America, such as Guarani and Nheengatu, as well as in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and many other phonetic alphabets. Mills Mess is thus represented as (~2x,1)(1,2x)(2x,~1)*.[52]. A tilde is also used in particle physics to denote the hypothetical supersymmetric partner. Senior Member . $ ​₫ ​₯ ​ Chiaretta. In machine learning, a tilde may represent a candidate value for a cell state in GRUs or LSTM units. For the Swedish singer, see, Unicode and Shift JIS encoding of wave dash, Several more or less common informal names are used for the tilde that usually describe the shape, including, Martin, Charles Trice (1910). Per quanto riguarda il triangolo dalla tavola unicode sembra che sia simile all'uguale con il def... cioé uguale per definizione. This avoided a shape definition error in the Unicode code charts: the wave dash reference glyph in JIS / Shift JIS[22][23] matches the Unicode reference glyph for U+FF5E,[24] while the reference glyph for U+301C[25] was reflected, incorrectly,[26] when Unicode imported the JIS wave dash. ৳ ​₸ ​₮ ​ Is this a string "134" (addition of two numbers), or "12014" (concatenation of strings) or something else? The tilde has since been applied to a number of other uses as a diacritic mark or a character in its own right. + This mimics the Unix shell usage of the tilde. Programs written prior to this development could only access filenames in the so-called 8.3 format—the filenames consisted of a maximum of eight characters from a restricted character set (e.g. For example, Spanish word “uña” is pronounced as ‘unia’. Circa is widely used in historical writing when the dates of events are not accurately known. The reason for the name was that it was originally written over an omitted letter or several letters as a scribal abbreviation, or "mark of suspension" and "mark of contraction",[2] shown as a straight line when used with capitals. ₩ ​ Raramente questo utilizzo avviene anche nell’italiano contemporaneo, dove ad esempio nel’Annuario Pontificio troviamo abbreviazione come em̃o per eminentissimo oppure rm̃o per reverendissimo. n In "math mode" a tilde diacritic can be written as, e.g., \tilde{x}. Libras ad pensam. 4 Answers. The net result is thus only the removal of the decimal part). A tilde over the letter n ( [14] Current languages in which the tilded ⟨n⟩ (⟨ñ⟩) is used for the palatal nasal consonant /ɲ/ include: In Vietnamese, a tilde over a vowel represents a creaky rising tone (ngã). It didn't catch on, as the rise of version control software eliminates the need for this usage. ~~ returns the object that received the method rather than the result produced. Non riesco a trovare nessuna sequenza di tasti per ottenere il carattere tilde ~, se non ricorrendo alla mappa dei caratteri. In phonetics, a tilde is used as a diacritic that is placed above a letter, below it or superimposed onto the middle of it: In Estonian, the symbol ⟨õ⟩ stands for the close-mid back unrounded vowel, and it is considered an independent letter. 0 3. In Raku, ~~ is used instead of =~ for a regular expression. ₲ ​ 1.902 ~= 2). is the equilibrium part and Come digitare caratteri speciali di Salvatore Aranzulla. This file contains information about which user has the file open, to prevent multiple users from attempting to change a document at the same time. ₪ ​ ) Nel portoghese moderno si usa solo sopra a e o, ma nella lingua arcaica la si poteva usare anche con le altre vocali. HTML Arrows is shared by Toptal Designers, the marketplace for hiring elite UI, UX, and Visual designers, along with top developer and finance talent.Discover why top companies and start-ups turn to Toptal to hire freelance designers for their mission-critical projects. This has also given rise to using two tildes ~~number as a short syntax for a cast to integer (numbers are stripped of their decimal part and changed into their complement, and then back. {\displaystyle \mathbf {y} } :P. Suggerimento: premi contemporaneamente "CTRL" e "F" per trovare subito quello che ti serve! ) This saved on the expense of the scribe's labour and the cost of vellum and ink. x Before a number the tilde can mean 'approximately; '~42' means 'approximately 42'. Ibi sunt quinque villani cum uno servo. In Word Inserisci>Simbolo e poi lo cerchi nella tabella. per il "circa" che si chiama tilde il codice ascii è il 126 :) quindi ALT+126 del tastierino numerico.. [46][47], In Haskell, the tilde is used in type constraints to indicate type equality. , This symbol (in US English) informally[7] means "approximately", "about", or "around", such as "~30 minutes before", meaning "approximately 30 minutes before". (462) The url package also supports entering tildes directly, e.g., \url{http://server/~name}. – signifies "approximately" in several European languages and is used as a loanword in English, usually in reference to a date. In Eiffel, the tilde is used for object comparison. With a Macintosh either of the Alt/Option keys function similarly. [17] When used with currency symbols that precede the number (national conventions differ), the tilde precedes the symbol, thus for example '~$10' means 'about ten dollars'.[18]. Rating. Molto spesso a posto del simbolo precedente viene impiegato il seguente simbolo ≃. [29][30][31] Microsoft also uses U+FF5E to map the KS X 1001 raised tilde (0xA2A6),[28] while Apple uses U+02DC (˜). ₧ ​₱ ​₰ ​£ ​ In order to permit these legacy programs to access files in the FAT file system, each file had to be given two names—one long, more descriptive one, and one that conformed to the 8.3 format. Eidem manerio est injuste adjuncta Nimete et valet quindecim solidos. (For example, ~ then n produces ñ). Another approximation symbol is the double tilde ≈, meaning "approximately equal to". → La parola tilde è di origine spagnola e deriva dal verbo tildar, col significato antico di "evidenziare"; a sua volta procede dal latino titulare e titulum ("segno, iscrizione"); tuttavia, in spagnolo, la parola tilde ha un significato più ampio e indica – come già detto – qualunque segno che si ponga sopra un'abbreviazione (o una lettera) per distinguerne la pronuncia o l'accentuazione. Nell'ambiente di sviluppo Max/MSP, è utilizzato per definire gli oggetti che lavorano alla frequenza di campionamento del computer, cioè principalmente quelli che processano il suono. In the Apache Groovy programming language the tilde character is used as an operator mapped to the bitwiseNegate() method. ₺ ​ Masonic scholars, today, question the origin of the Point within the Circle, whose parallel upright lines on both sides of the circle, closely resemble an Egyptian hieroglyphic (circa 1570–1342 B.C. Il simbolo numero 2 (≈) è chiamato: doppio trattino ondulato oppure doppia tilde. or c. and less frequently circ., cca. So che dovrei usare la combinazione fn+alt+126 se non ho tastierino, ma non ho né il "tastierino nascosto" dietro le lettere, né funziona usando i numeri della seconda riga (ovvero i numeri che non sono nel tastierino numerico, in teoria). The practice of using the tilde over a vowel to indicate omission of an ⟨n⟩ or ⟨m⟩ continued in printed books in French as a means of reducing text length until the 17th century. Questa origine è ancora abbastanza chiara in alcune lingue iberiche, come appunto lo spagnolo, il portoghese o il galiziano: si prenda ad esempio la parola latina domina, la cui contrazione dom'na ha portato a donna in italiano e dueña in spagnolo, tramite la palatalizzazione in /ɲ/ del gruppo nn (fenomeno diffuso nelle lingue ibero-romanze); lo stesso discorso vale per la parola latina annus ("anno"), evolutasi nello spagnolo año. La tilde è un simbolo con vari usi in matematica. Il carattere tipografico ≈ può anche voler dire quasi uguale a, uguale circa a sia in senso di approssimazione, come … According to the Jargon File, other synonyms sometimes used in programming include not, approx, wiggle, enyay (after eñe) and (humorously) sqiggle /ˈskɪɡəl/. The wave dash (波ダッシュ, nami dasshu) is used for various purposes in Japanese, including to denote ranges of numbers, in place of dashes or brackets, and to indicate origin. On Mac: ⌥ Option+Ñ followed by the relevant letter. In particolare, in portoghese (ma anche in altre lingue come il guaranì, il dialetto sardo di Cabras e nel francese arcaico) la tilde è invece il segno diacritico della nasalizzazione della vocale sopra la quale è posta. In the computing field, especially in Unix-based systems, the tilde indicates the user's home directory. Tabella completa con tutti i codici Alt e simboli che producono. Contiene sia 1-256 e 0128-0256 gamme di codice. [6] The diacritic ~ is more commonly called virgulilla or la tilde de la eñe, and is not considered an accent mark in Spanish, but rather simply a part of the letter ñ (much like the dot over ı makes an i character that is familiar to readers of English). Tilde (~): come digitarla su Linux, Mac e Windows ... Uguale - Wikipedia. Unicode has code-points for many forms of tilde, for symbols incorporating tildes, and for characters visually similar to a tilde: Most modern proportional fonts align the plain ASCII spacing tilde at the same level as dashes, or only slightly upper. Tilde operator can be overloaded for user types, and binary tilde operator is mostly used to merging two objects, or adding some objects to set of objects. In Modern Spanish, the tilde is used only with ñ and Ñ. The symbol "≈" is also used for this purpose. The name of the character comes from Portuguese and Spanish, from the Latin titulus meaning "title" or "superscription", though the term "tilde" has evolved and now has a different meaning in linguistics. ₦ ​ Such a mark could denote the omission of one letter or several letters. It is used in many languages as a binary inversion operator, swapping a number's binary 1's and 0's for example ~10 (binary ~1010) is equal to 5 (binary 0101). Il simbolo circa viene usato nell' arrotondamento di un numero decimale non periodico o nelle conversioni non esatte tra unità di misura ). Tilde su Surface Pro Ciao a tutti, ho comprato un Surface pro con la sua cover. The text with abbreviations expanded is as follows: Mollande tempore regis Edwardi geldabat pro quattuor hidis et uno ferling. It was also used in Portuguese, and Spanish. In OCaml, the tilde is used to specify the label for a labeled parameter. ∆ABC ~ ∆DEF, meaning triangle ABC is similar to DEF). In Spanish, the word tilde actually refers to diacritics in general, e.g. Il trattino con un tilde significa "circa". 1 decade ago. h ~ 10−34 J s) to state that the two are of the same order of magnitude.[7]. f ₭ ​ = This was accomplished with a name-mangling scheme in which the first six characters of the filename are followed by a tilde and a digit. Nel codice ASCII, ASCII 8 bit, UNICODE, UTF-8 e UTF-16, la tilde è identificata dal numero 126 (1111110 bin, 8E hex). In teoria degli insiemi il simbolo, talvolta anche con una tilde sola (vedere sotto), serve a indicare due elementi appartenenti a una stessa classe di equivalenza. When the 'normal' character was typed, it is printed under the previously-typed tilde, creating the desired accented character. East Asian languages almost always use this convention, but it is often done for clarity in some other languages as well. However, when accessed from the web, file access is usually directed to a subdirectory in the user's home directory, such as /home/username/public_html or /home/username/www.[42]. Given an integer it will negate the integer bitwise like in different C variants. - approssimazione: x e' circa y, sta a significare che la differenza x-y e' trascurabile per il risultato. Anche in Word o Excel può capitare di dover inserire un carattere che […] Any good typewriter store had a catalog of alternative keyboards that could be specified for machines ordered from the factory. [35] These two code points have a similar or identical glyph in several fonts, reducing the confusion and incompatibility. In Common Lisp, the tilde is used as the prefix for format specifiers in format strings. 1 decade ago. 2) While keep press "Alt", on your keyboard type the number "126", which is the number of the letter or symbol "~" in ASCII table. [8][9] It can mean "similar to",[10] including "of the same order of magnitude as",[7] such as: "x ~ y" meaning that x and y are of the same order of magnitude. The tilde was part of Microsoft's filename mangling scheme when it extended the FAT file system standard to support long filenames for Microsoft Windows. In JavaScript, the tilde is used as a unary bitwise complement (or bitwise negation) operation (~number). rationes. Si usa per indicare quando si approssima un numero. It is a weaker statement than stating that x equals y. Non tutti i caratteri e i simboli grafici sono presenti sulla tastiera; lo sanno bene tutti coloro che hanno provato a cercare la tilde (~), un simbolo che per molti anni è stato usato piuttosto di frequente negli indirizzi delle pagine Web. ¥. This distinguishes it from the small tilde ( ˜ ) introduced with Windows-1252, which is always raised. mainly those that deal with sound. team~~insert("Jane")~~insert("Joe")~~insert("Steve") would send multiple concurrent insert messages, thus invoking the insert method three consecutive times on the team object.

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