inter roma finale coppa italia 2005

Mr Prodi's commission is likely also to be more open. Portugal deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. European Parliament elections are held in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Denmark. Give feedback about this website or report a problem, Institutions, bodies & agencies – contact & visit details, Public contracts in the EU – rules and guidelines, Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), The European Data Protection Board (EDPB). The ministers agree to give fresh impetus to their partnership in each of the three areas (political and security; economic and financial; social, cultural and human). Cette baisse à des causes multiples, mais tient principalement au différentiel de croissance observé en faveur des USA durant cette période.Cependant, il y a eu exagération de cette baisse sur les marchés : la valeur réelle de l’euro, d’après les fondamentaux économiques, ne correspondait pas à la valeur courante. The eighth EU-Japan summit is held in Bonn, Germany. The EU-Russia summit is held in Helsinki, Finland. An EU-Canada summit is held in Ottawa, Canada. EURO vs. LIRA Le modalità di ingresso nell’Euro 1999 - Governo Prodi grazie anche alla “Tassa per l’ Europa” garantisce l’adesione alla PARITÀ “IRREVERSIBILE” Al secolo “mortadella” è stato due volte capo del Governo e truccò i conti per farci entrare nell’Euro. La monnaie européenne est passée d’un change avec le dollar d’un euro pour 1,18 dollar le premier janvier 1999 à … Whatever his faults, nobody could accuse Mr Prodi of lacking vision. The Commission adopts a Green Paper on public sector information in the information society. Sep 16th 1999. strasbourg ... the European Parliament confirmed Romano Prodi's new commission by a comfortable majority, handing it 414 of … An EU-USA summit is held in Washington, USA. It is likely also to be better run, now that Mr Prodi has carved up portfolios more sensibly to reduce duplication. Grazie Prodi… Se ne erano occupati nel 2013 i colleghi di Butac. An agreement is reached on a number of guidelines and political priorities, in particular relating to the right of asylum, immigration, access to justice and combating crime. Some of Mr Prodi's innovations are more symbolic than substantial, such as his decision, considered radical in Brussels, to give directorates real names like “trade” or “competition” to replace the letters and numbers (DG1, DG4) that so baffled outsiders. ET ... Prodi said he believed the euro will strengthen in the future, and that his main focus in the meantime was on European growth. WEU Assembly Special Session is held in Luxembourg on "Security and Defence, the challenge for Europe after Cologne". The Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference is held in Stuttgart, Germany. A meeting of the foreign ministers of the 15 EU Member States, the 10 candidate Central and East European countries, Cyprus, Malta and Switzerland (Turkey declines to attend) takes place in Brussels. The 29th African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)-EU Joint Assembly is held in Nassau, Bahamas. 'n Euro word verdeel in 100 sente (voorgestel deur die letter c). Il concetto è che prima dell’Euro, i loro stipendi erano più alti dei nostri. Prodi is nu voorzitter van de centrumlinkse Democratische Partij van Italië. EN 1990 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1991 to EN 1999 for the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works, including geotechnical aspects, structural fire design, situations involving earthquakes, execution and temporary structures. They agree that the Commission will work with the World Bank to coordinate donor activities. Mr Jan Karlsson is elected president of the Court of Auditors. The two sides sign an agreement on the enforcement of their competition laws. 2 Soddisfazione italiana per la nascita dell’Euro. An EU-US International conference on combating child pornography on the Internet is held in Vienna, Austria. AMPLIAMENTO DEL TESTO IN COSTRUZIONE. in de periode 1999-2004: lid Europese Commissie First judgement delivered by a single judge at European Court of first instance. He was appointed at a time of crisis - the entire commission had just been dismissed in the wake of a corruption scandal - and is credited with overseeing the introduction of the euro and the enlargement of the European Union. BERLUSCONI: CAMBIO EURO-LIRA, DISASTRO PROVOCATO DA PRODI "Il cambio euro-lira e' un disastro provocato da Prodi". He has wrung a promise from each member that he or she will resign if asked to, a guarantee that shores up his power hugely. On September 15th, in a packed chamber at their plush new premises in Strasbourg, the European Parliament confirmed Romano Prodi's new commission by a comfortable majority, handing it 414 of the 591 votes cast. European Council declaration on the appointment of Mr Romano Prodi as president of the Commission. Parliament approves the nomination of Mr Romano Prodi as president of the Commission. Europe prepares for its first batches of covid-19 vaccines, The joys and perils of Glühwein gatherings in Germany. Ottenuta la fiducia delle Camere nello stesso maggio ’96, il Governo Prodi è rimasto in carica sino all’ottobre 1998, conseguendo – fra gli altri – l’obiettivo di portare l’Italia nel gruppo di testa dei paesi aderenti all’Euro e di dare un forte impulso al risanamento dei conti pubblici. The Rio Declaration is adopted at the close of the first summit of heads of state and government of the European Union, countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Collective resignation of the Commission in wake of the report by the Committee of Independent Experts on the allegations regarding fraud, mismanagement and nepotism in the Commission. De Romano Prodi, gebuer den 9.August 1939 zu Scandiano, an Italien, ass en italieeneschen Ekonomist a Politiker.Hie war vun 1996 bis 1998 an dann nees vum Mee 2006 bis de Mee 2008 italieenesche Ministerpresident.Vum Mäerz 1999 bis November 2004 war hie President vun der Europäescher Kommissioun.. Säi Liewen. The meeting focuses on the fight against transnational organised crime and the situation in the western Balkans. Euro: le bugie di Prodi, Amato e Ciampi hanno le gambe corte Arianna Editrice pubblica Libri, Ebook per favorire la trasformazione personale e sociale. The president of the European Court of Justice presents the Council of Justice Ministers with a number of proposals and ideas on the future of the jurisdictional system of the European Union. Jacques Santer, president of the European Commission, calls for Parliament's confidence. The European Parliament's Committee of Independent Experts issues a second report. SC PRODI BAR SRL, 12421321, J22/857/1999, pierdut certificat constatator si contract de comodat de la punctul de lucru. Not necessarily. The Council adopts a decision which enables the European Court of First Instance, in certain circumstances, to give decisions when constituted by a single judge in cases coming under its jurisdiction. During the summit the establishment of a China-EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing and the continuation of the EU-China business dialogue were announced. Kohl frena l’entusiasmo di Prodi, ivi, 30 gennaio 1998. To that end, he has physically evicted his commissioners from his building, and shoved them into offices alongside their bureaucrats. The European Commission decides on Community association and reconstruction assistance to the western Balkans (CARA programme). A special European Council is held in Tampere, Finland. It adopts the first European Union common strategy, which concerns Russia, and designates Mr Javier Solana Madariaga as high representative for the CFSP and secretary-general of the Council. Lo ha detto il presidente del consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi, in occasione della cena per la raccolta fondi destinata alla campagna elettorale di Forza Italia in corso a Fiera Milano, secondo quanto riferito da un partecipante. An overall agreement on the Agenda 2000 is reached; Mr Prodi is asked to accept the position of president of the next European Commission. CON L’EURO LAVOREREMO UN GIORNO IN MENO GUADAGNANDO COME SE LAVORASSIMO UN GIORNO IN PIÙ veramente lungimirante se è vero Ma è vero che nel 1999 Prodi … ... non mettono in discussione l’euro, non affollano le piazze circondati da Casapound». He says he wants to see “a genuine shift in the balance of power” away from cabinets, where the real power lay in previous commissions, towards civil servants. 3 Cossiga candida Amato contro Prodi alla presidenza della Commissione europea. This reveals, for example, that Mr Lamy owns euro29,700 worth of shares in Crédit Lyonnais, the French bank he is quitting to go to Brussels. Le declar nule. Or his insistence that commissioners should prise open their cabinets (private offices) to a mix of nationalities to break up the little nationalist fiefs. The European Court of Justice annuls the registration of the name "feta" as a protected designation of origin. Abondamment soulignée par la presse britannique, la « gaffe » de Romano Prodi sur l'euro ne facilite pas la tâche de Tony Blair. European Parliament elections are held in Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Sweden. Prodi, Draghi, Franceschini e gli altri. Počas jeho predsedníckeho obdobia roku 2002 jedenásť krajín EÚ prijalo euro ako svoju menu a roku 2004 bola EÚ rozšírená o niekoľko východoeurópskych krajín, väčšinou z komunistického bloku. The body was however criticised for being lacklustre, with poor communication and failing to make an impact despite major events such as enlargement and the euro. i) (Scandiano, provincia de Reggio Emilia; 9 de agosto de 1939) es un político italiano. Prodi, známy svojou podporou Európskej únii, bol v 16 septembra 1999 vymenovaný za predsedu Európskej komisie. Philippe Maystadt is appointed president of the European Investment Bank. Pròdi, Romano. More important, he urged the EU's governments to back him in preparing the club to double its membership, to hold a “ground-breaking” treaty-revising conference next year to accommodate the newcomers, to set a firm entry date for the best-prepared candidates, and to let less-organised aspirants adopt the euro. The EU and the US stress the importance of gradually establishing a common European security and defence policy. The agreement between the European Communities and Slovenia enters into force. Il messaggio presidenziale viene interpretato come la ricandidatura di Scalfaro ad un secondo mandato. The European Court of Justice decrees that expulsion for life from a Member State's territory is contrary to Community Law. The upshot? Mr. Prodi reiterated his pledge to resign if Italy did not join the first ranks of single-currency members in 1999, saying, "When you put all your chips in one basket, there are consequences." De voorzitter van de Commissie was de Italiaan Romano Prodi. Greece deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. di Bologna, Trento e alla Harvard University, è stato ministro dell'Industria (1978-79) e presidente dell'IRI (1982-89; 1993-94). A World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting on the Millennium Round is held in Seattle, USA. Hearings of the members-designate of the new Commission by the European Parliament. The question is whether it will exercise it in more efficient, open or useful ways. The euro came into existence on 1 January 1999, although it had been a goal of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors since the 1960s. Spain deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. He also promised this week to make commission reports and decisions available to the parliament more swiftly. F. Manacorda, Prodi conti in regola, saremo nell’euro, “La Stampa”, 29 gennaio 1998. O euro sobreviverá porque o seu fim representa um custo demasiado elevado tanto para a Alemanha como para as economias do sul, mas ainda faltam instrumentos e suficiente solidariedade para o defender, afirmou hoje Romano Prodi. He was nominated for the job by the EU 's leaders on March 24th. 1 - L'Euro diventa moneta legale in Italia. Prodi var professor i økonomi ved universitetet i Bologna fra 1971 til 1999, og var sjef for det statlige holdingselskapet IRI fra 1982 til 1989 og fra 1993 til 1994. So were the Euro-MPs' recent efforts to subject this team to more rigorous scrutiny nothing but an empty ritual? As if to confirm his quasi-presidential ambitions, Mr Prodi this week, in a speech that talked grandly of the need to nurture a “new European soul”, promised an annual American-style state-of-the-union address. His appointment took just one hour. The heads of state or government define their priorities for coping with the challenges of the 21st century, particularly globalisation. The Council presents its conclusions on the contamination of certain foodstuffs by dioxin. Docente di economia e politica industriale nelle univ. The only person who will know what everybody else is up to, and hence be able to control them, will be Mr Prodi himself. Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain adopt the euro as their official currency. Belgium deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. Romano Prodi, Presidente della Commissione Europea dal 1999 al 2004 (e tante altre cose), presenta in Istituto la sua visione dell’Europa, sessant’anni dopo il trattato di Roma e con attenzione particolare al ruolo della cultura per il futuro dell’integrazione. The administration was led by former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi. Archivio Romano Prodi, RP a Dini 23 gennaio 1998. It decides to open accession negotiations with Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Malta and to recognise Turkey as an applicant country. Deze Commissie trad op 17 september 1999 aan na het vervroegde aftreden van de Commissie-Santer. European Council declaration on the appointment of Mr Romano Prodi as president of the Commission. The European Parliament votes and approves the new Commission. (Adnkronos) - "Avvenne tutto nel 1999, a cavallo tra i governi Prodi e D'Alema. That Mr Prodi's team has been vetted and quizzed more closely than its predecessors should lend it a bit more moral authority. Mr Prodi went to Brussels next, to become the European Commission president from 1999 to 2004. GENNAIO 1999 . The Commission issues a report on Dioxin exposure and health. Finland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The participants also devote much attention to the reconstruction of Kosovo and southeastern Europe. 24-25. 24-25. An overall agreement on the Agenda 2000 is reached; Mr Prodi is asked to accept the position of president of the next European Commission. Op 16 september 1999 trad de commissie-Prodi aan, met Prodi als voorzitter, dankzij de steun van de Europese Volkspartij en de Partij van de Europese Sociaaldemocraten in het Europees Parlement.Onder de commissie-Prodi werd in 2002 de euro in elf van de toen vijftien lidstaten ingevoerd. The Commission adopts decisions on protective measures with regard to dioxin contamination of certain products of animal origin intended for human or animal consumption, and decisions authorising an aid package for farms and businesses affected by the dioxin crisis in Belgium. He has hired Ricardo Levi, a former journalist who was his prime-ministerial press man in Rome, to run a centrally controlled spokesman's office, ending the current way in which, as Mr Prodi puts it, “individual commissioners' spokesmen compete with each other for media attention”. De Romano Prodi huet 6 Bridder (vun deenen der 5 … Prodi Commission - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia The annual G8 summit is held in Cologne, Germany. The conflict in Chechnya occupies an important place in the discussions. Though France's Pascal Lamy, the new trade commissioner, has recruited a Belgian, Britain's Chris Patten (foreign affairs) has appointed a Briton, Denmark's Poul Nielson (aid) has hired a Dane, and so on. The Commission adopts a White Paper on modernisation of the rules implementing Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty (competition policy). Copyright © The Economist Newspaper Limited 2020. European Parliament elections are held in Ireland. The European Anti-Fraud Office is set up. All rights reserved. ITALIA. Et son cours ne va cesser de baisser jusqu’en décembre 2000. The Council adopts a common position and a regulation concerning a ban on the supply and sale of petroleum and petroleum products to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Romano Prodi (Scandiano, 9 agosto 1939) è un politico, economista, accademico, dirigente pubblico e dirigente d'azienda italiano, che ha ricoperto la carica di Presidente del Consiglio dei ministri della Repubblica Italiana per due volte (dal 1996 al 1998 e dal 2006 al 2008), è una delle figure più importanti e iconiche della cosiddetta Seconda Repubblica. Erklärung des Europäischen Rats zur Benennung von Herrn Romano Prodi, dem neuen Präsidenten der Kommission. The European Court of Justice decrees that national decisions concerning the organisation and management of the armed forces must generally observe the principle of equal treatment between women and men. Herr Romano Prodi wird gebeten, die Aufgabe des Präsidenten der nächsten Europäischen Kommission zu übernehmen. EU backs off euro bolster June 4, 1999: 7:39 a.m. VVD-politicus Frits Bolkestein was Eurocommissaris voor de interne markt en fiscale zaken. Mr Prodi himself modestly owns—among other things—just half of a one-bedroom flat in Bologna. In a bid to learn the secret of news control, the new office has already been in touch with Alastair Campbell, the ex-tabloid journalist who is now king of spin for Britain's Tony Blair. A EU-Canada summit is held in Bonn, Germany. This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline "Prodi imperator", Sign up to our free daily newsletter, The Economist today, Published since September 1843 to take part in “a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.”. The Council of the European Union publishes the First Annual Report on Human Rights. Decisions are taken on the procedures for drafting the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights. Quando si decise il cambio euro-lira-marco, il marco tedesco valeva circa 990 lire. The Commission adopts a decision setting 1 August as the date on which dispatch of United Kingdom bovine products under the date-based export scheme may begin. Europe Sep 16th 1999 edition. Medicina alternativa, alimentazione, spiritualità, self-help, esoterismo, nuove scienze: l'editoria utile per chi cerca informazioni alternative. De termijn van de commissie liep op 1 november 2004 af, maar de commissie bleef aan tot 22 november. The Commission adopts a White Paper on Commerce. Supposed to launch a new round of trade talks, it finishes with the participants unable to reach an agreement. An EU-US summit takes place in Bonn, Germany. Behalve met de invoering van de euro kreeg hij als commissievoorzitter te maken met onder meer de dienstenrichtlijn, de onderhandelingen over toetreding van Turkije en de aanpak van de klimaatproblematiek. The entire commission had just been dismissed in the wake of a corruption scandal, and Mr Prodi was the unanimous choice of the 15 EU member states. “É moda dizer que o euro vai acabar, mas a Europa é mais forte do que muitos pensam”, afirmou […] It stresses the importance of developing a strategic partnership between the two regions and sets out 55 priorities for action. Mr Santer's designated successor, Romano Prodi, a former prime minister of Italy, is obliged to look on impatiently. Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The European Commission publishes the codes of conduct for Members of the Commission and the relations between Commissioners and Commission departments. An European Council is held in Helsinki, Finland. The Prodi Commission was the European Commission in office between 1999 and 2004. Oggi, uffi- IT MAY have escaped the notice of most Europeans, but, after a six-month absence, they once again have a permanent European Commission. As a start, he has, quite unusually, ordered his team to publish details of their assets and any outside interests that might conflict with their work. Mr Prodi's is likely at least to be a more efficient commission—though, after the waste uncovered earlier this year in a report that forced the mass resignation of the outgoing one, that is not saying much. The Commission adopts a Green Paper on liability for defective products. France deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam. Romano Prodi, italiensk økonom og politiker, statsminister i Italia fra 1996 til 1998 og fra 2006 til 2008, president for EU-kommisjonen fra 1999 til 2004. From 1999 Prodi saw in the euro and by 2002 it came into cash form and the single currency for 12 of the EU's 15 member states. Romano Prodi is a former Italian prime minister who was made president of the European Commission - the EU's executive branch - at a time of crisis in 1999. An EU-China summit is held in Beijing, China. Less clearly benign, however, is Mr Prodi's desire to keep a firm grip on his team. For the design of special construction works (e.g. It could indeed be much better run: he has ordered a report by next February from his new commissioner for reform, Neil Kinnock, on how to shake up the institution further. A European Council meeting is held in Cologne, Germany. The new European Parliament elects Ms Fontaine as its president. The euro is officially launched. - Economista, dirigente industriale, uomo politico italiano (n. Scandiano 1939). This centralising instinct sits oddly, however, with Mr Prodi's claim to want to devolve decision-making. A special European Council is held in Berlin, Germany. It agrees to convene an Intergovernmental Conference to revise the Treaties in February 2000. Die euro is in die jaar 1999 as bankgeld en op 1 Januarie 2002 as "stoflike" betaalmiddel ingevoer. A special European Council is held in Berlin, Germany. 30 Economic and Social Committee: First Convention on the "Role and Contribution of organised Civil Society in European Integration". The Council approves a joint action providing support for the reception and voluntary repatriation of refugees, displaced persons and asylum seekers, including those who have fled from Kosovo. To set an example, Mr Prodi has hired an Irishman, David O'Sullivan, as his chef de cabinet—though almost none of his commissioners has been so daring. It will be under closer scrutiny, as long as the new parliament does not itself grow lazy. Per avere 1 euro, i tedeschi cambiarono 1,955 marchi, e cioè quasi 2 marchi. E Prodi avverte l’Europa: dobbiamo pesare di più, in “la Repubblica”, 29 gennaio 1998. L’Europa a 60 anni dai trattati di Roma: incontro a Monaco con Romano Prodi. Auf der Sondertagung des Europäischen Rates in Berlin wird eine Gesamteinigung über die Agenda 2000 erzielt.

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